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When Jill gets out of bed, after saying "Merde...", an error message pops up, reading 'File Audio/SE/Jill Esses pesadelos nao me deixam em paz. was not found."

The game then closes.

I'm using English version on a Windows 10 system with Windows display language set to English (United States) and Preferred languages set to English (Australia) and Japanese.
Region - Administrative - Language for non-Unicode programs is set to Japanese (Japan).

I play JP content sometimes, and without that last setting, filenames in kana are printed as unreadable characters, and JP region games won't be able to read the files and run.

I tried running the game in Windows XP under Oracle VM VirtualBox, but it doesn't work at all, just crashes on start.

Any help would be much appreciated, thank You!

bom dia amigo, irei enviar uma nova versão no quinta feira com os arquivos faltantes. Sobre as letras ilegíveis eu não sei bem como resolver, já q usa apenas a fonte arial.

eu acredito que basta usar ela no seu computador que deva funcionar 


Do you know what engine you used for this?

RPG maker

(1 edit)

Thank you so much, i've been wanting to do a demake of one of the games for so long! Btw, great game.

Edit: Did you use RPG Paper maker?

desculpe a demora, sim usei o RPG maker XP. Espero que goste do projeto!

Hello, you are still doing bugfixes ingame? As I like game pretty much, but after reaching RPD before first battle with Nemesis game is crashing due to fact it doesnt recognize Nemesis theme even if its in music folder.

olá amigo, ano que vem eu farei uma correção no game. Se possível me mande via whatsapp uma foto do erro por favor? 11954234563

Wow, looks really nice. Great work.


Thanks my bro!

Nice my friend

Thanks my friend